Nashville Neighborhood Alliance, Inc.
Nashvillians often identify themselves by their neighborhood or the part of the community from where they come: Bordeaux, Bellevue, Goodlettsville, Green Hills, Berry Hill, Belle Meade, Woodbine, West Meade, Edgefield, Inglewood, Old Hickory, Oak Hill, Hermitage, Donelson, Sylvan Park and Antioch.
These neighborhoods differ in their history, age, appearance, social and economic makeup, and current needs and aspirations.
Citizens have found it helpful to achieve recognition of their neighborhood and its needs through participation in neighborhood groups.
This has become even more important during the last twenty-seven years as citizens became more aware of changes occurring in their city and tried to influence the decision-making processes affecting their neighborhoods and their homes.
One major goal that we have been fighting for these past 25 years is a majority of the members of Metropolitan Council being significantly engaged with their Neighborhoods -- pro-actively reaching out to their constituents to gather input on activity happening in the district and the County.
While all the votes are not in, this Metro Council appears to be the most constituent-friendly group of elected officials, in the history of Metropolitan Government. This doesn't come by accident.
This took the extensive and repetitive work of Neighborhood Groups in their communities while the Nashville Neighborhood Alliance, Inc. worked on County-wide initiatives to achieve. Work is left to be done as some of our Government leaders continue to be unresponsive, both elected and unelected officials. They appear to be less than dedicated to the Constitution's charge.
"The functions of the metropolitan government to be performed, and the governmental services to be rendered throughout the entire general services district shall include: general administration, police; courts, jails; assessment; health; welfare; hospitals; housing for the aged; streets and roads; traffic; schools; parks and recreation; library; auditorium, fairgrounds; airport; public housing; urban redevelopment; urban renewal; planning; electrical code; building code; plumbing code; housing code; electricity; transit; refuse disposal; beer supervision; and taxicab regulation." From the Charter of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee.